Electronic and Electromagnetic Attack Human Experimentation Awareness Foundation Material Time line Proving It Exists For Everyone Including Ti's and Ti's Families:
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*************** PLEASE VISIT MY NEW WEBSITE.. IT IS HTTP://JAMESLICO.COM ***************** This blog is about targeted individuals (TI's), who are Human Trafficking victims. They are under Second By Second Surveillance, being used as test subjects in terminal NON CONSENSUAL research. TI's are subjected to NoTouchTorture via Directed Energy Weapons. This is a war crime and a medical ethics violation. See My Website http://jameslico for more information on the blatent COVERUP!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Electronic and Electromagnetic Attack Human Experimentation Awareness Foundation Material Time line Proving It Exists For Everyone Including Ti's and Ti's Families
Unethical human experimentation in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Unethical human experimentation in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
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CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments Documentary (1979) - YouTube
CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments Documentary (1979) - YouTube: ""
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The CIA's Project MKULTRA: Secret Human Experimentation - YouTube
Human Experimentation pt1 - YouTube
Human Experimentation for National Security Purposes - YouTube
Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense - YouTube
TorturedinAmerica.org - STOP U.S. Military Radiation Targeting. Human Rights Alert!
Kucinich: “We Create Government to Secure our Rights, Not to Give Them Away” | Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich
Kucinich: “We Create Government to Secure our Rights, Not to Give Them Away” | Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich: "Kucinich: “We Create Government to Secure our Rights, Not to Give Them Away”
Kucinich Continues to Lead Renewed Bipartisan Effort Against PATRIOT Act "
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Kucinich Continues to Lead Renewed Bipartisan Effort Against PATRIOT Act "
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Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators | Politics News | Rolling Stone:
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Michigan Passes Anti Electronic Harassment Law Including Life in Prison
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Directed-energy weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Electromagnetic weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Psy-ops: General ordered 'psy-ops to be used on visiting senators in Afghanistan to garner extra funding' | Mail Online
Psy-ops: General ordered 'psy-ops to be used on visiting senators in Afghanistan to garner extra funding' | Mail Online: "U.S. general 'ordered psy-ops be used on visiting senators in Afghanistan to get more funding'
Last updated at 7:15 PM on 24th February 2011
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Rolling Stone article alleges Senators John McCain, Al Franken and Joe Lieberman were all targeted
American soldiers were illegally ordered to apply psychological pressure to U.S. senators as they toured Afghanistan in a bid to secure more troops and money for the military, according to an officer serving in a unit specialising in 'psy-ops'.
The U.S. Army officer is said to have received an official reprimand after his unit resisted orders, from the command of Lieutenant General William Caldwell, which they said were illegal.
Those said to have been targeted for the operation were former presidential candidate Senator John McCain and VIPs including European diplomats and government ministers."
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Last updated at 7:15 PM on 24th February 2011
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Rolling Stone article alleges Senators John McCain, Al Franken and Joe Lieberman were all targeted
American soldiers were illegally ordered to apply psychological pressure to U.S. senators as they toured Afghanistan in a bid to secure more troops and money for the military, according to an officer serving in a unit specialising in 'psy-ops'.
The U.S. Army officer is said to have received an official reprimand after his unit resisted orders, from the command of Lieutenant General William Caldwell, which they said were illegal.
Those said to have been targeted for the operation were former presidential candidate Senator John McCain and VIPs including European diplomats and government ministers."
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Did a Top General Run Psy Ops on Senators? | Danger Room | Wired.com
Did a Top General Run Psy Ops on Senators? | Danger Room | Wired.com: "Aides to a prominent general are insisting that their boss didn’t run a psychological operation on members of Congress. But the e-mails they provided to Danger Room to back up their denials appear to reinforce the initial charges: that Lt. Gen. William Caldwell IV, head of training in Afghanistan, used propaganda personnel to “spin” visiting U.S. Senators.
It’s a potentially serious offense. If Caldwell did order the operation, it could violate a decades-old law called the Smith-Mundt Act, which forbids the government from targeting propaganda at American citizens. Caldwell’s boss, Gen. David Petraeus, announced on Thursday that he’ll investigate the “facts and circumstances” of a potentially improper use of information operations.
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It’s a potentially serious offense. If Caldwell did order the operation, it could violate a decades-old law called the Smith-Mundt Act, which forbids the government from targeting propaganda at American citizens. Caldwell’s boss, Gen. David Petraeus, announced on Thursday that he’ll investigate the “facts and circumstances” of a potentially improper use of information operations.
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msnbc video: Soldiers ordered to manipulate senators with psy-ops
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
dear MoveON.org
dear MoveON.org
First I want to thank you for your work in keeping social security, medicare and medicaid going in the face of hard to comprehend strong arm tactics of republicans.
Now I would like to make you aware of a problem I and I have found that thousands of others have too. I also see that there are many of us targeted individuals that have been targeted primarily because they are politically incorrect. Personally I think of myself as politically correct, and it is the republicans that are politically incorrect. But that is not the way they see it. The republicans sure know how to cause class warfare. Now however, I think they have crossed the line into CIVIL WARFARE by bringing this technology to bear on the people of our country. I believe I have been targeted by right wing extremists and wish you would please read what I wrote below.
Thank You
James F Lico
The reason I am writing you is because my plight and symptoms are typical of the group of Americans known as targeted individuals, who have no rights and no voice. That is because "targeted individuals" in this country, must remain silent about their plight, for if they complain, they are labeled as mentally impaired and their story is dismissed as a mental issue and not taken seriously. Targeted Individuals in the United States are unrecognized as as having even basic human rights with regard to this issue. This is because no one will admit that we exist, because the perpetrators are not visible.
My name is James F Lico and I will be 60 years old on November 5th. As I write this, I am under siege attack and cannot sleep. I sold my house in May 2011 and am living off of the meager savings I have left. I was laid off from my job in IT support, after 11 years of employment with the school district of Lee County FL in June of 2010. I have an EEOC charge against my employer for age and disability discrimination. I have narcolepsy since childhood and hypertension which require medication and a doctors care, but no health insurance. Because of the siege I am under, I must focus my attention and efforts on surviving and cannot get a job because then I would have to let my guard down.
In describing my plight as a targeted individual, I am also telling you the exact symptoms and complaints which thousands of other targeted individuals have.
President Obama has taken a very important step toward recognizing the problem by calling for his presidents commission on bioethics. In theory this commission would tell him exactly are the prescient issues with bioethics that need to be recognized. Then to follow up with congressional investigations toward eliminating bioethics issues. The problem is that this could take years to come to fruition. I estimate that I doI not have that long. This electronic surveillance with distributed energy weapons is an attack which is also dubbed "SOFT KILL" by the military. It is impossible to ignore it, due to the silent and aggressive nature.
Again, I am a targeted individual and have been since July of 2010. I am under attack with electronic surveillance and harassment, from a well organized and well funded group of individuals with seemingly unlimited funding and cutting edge surveillance tools that are confidential military secret and still under development by the DOD and military. I am talking about directed energy weapons DEW as developed at least in part under the auspices of DARPA.
The directed energy weapon is the main problem with its microwave energy surveillance and harassment. The people behind this have targeted me for 24/7 surveillance and harassment. This form of torture would have come under the category of mind control experimentation as determined by previous congressional investigation as in MKULTRA. It is no longer a requirement that people have to come into a facility to be used for experimentation. With this new technology, they can now be monitored round the clock in their own home. There is no accounting to anyone and no worry about risk, because it is done without the persons consent.
There is a NeuroToxin poison that I am subject ed to in addition. The neurotoxin feels like stinging, similar to a fire-ant bite. It is delivered by the microwave technology accelerating it from a small cache, which is hidden somewhere in the vicinity.
some sociopathic people are ilnvolved with placing the poison at the request of the weapon operator.
some sociopathic people are ilnvolved with placing the poison at the request of the weapon operator.
I am convinced that the DEW (directed energy weapon) is used via satellite and also cell phone tower,placement. It is like radar and is directed like a beam of energy, much like a radar beam. It can lock onto your brain electronically.
People who are targeted know they are targeted. On my youtube site you will find some videos featuring Dr. John Hall. I will share one with you but feel free to listen to any or all.
People who are targeted know they are targeted. On my youtube site you will find some videos featuring Dr. John Hall. I will share one with you but feel free to listen to any or all.
Maybe the neurotoxin is specific to my area, but I think people just do not knowI of it. It is hard to fathom this can be done, just as the directed energy weapon is hard to fathom. I can see and understand the technology because of my education and background with electronics, biology and computers.
cut and paste the following link into your browser. Dr. Hall is right after the Iranian gentleman. Doctors receive an automatic measure of respect and attention. Dr. Hall explains what about the electronic surveillance and harassment.
There are thousands of TI's (targeted individuals). There is a weapons operator, working in shifts, watching each TI. Also there are many more sociopathic support personnel. The support personnel are uneducated and are just being used. The important ones are the weapons operators. It is the weapons operators are in the key technical positions.
There are so many support personnel that I wonder how nobody knows of this. I think police and the government know and if they don't know they should know and need to know. The hierarchy seems to be local, with a few operators and many uneducated support personnel to help with logistics.
.It is imperative for targeted individuals to maintain their confidence in order to survive. Maintaining confidence and a healthy psychological attitude can be elusive and a constant challenge.
The question of how this could happen in the first place comes up because weapons like these are secret and as such no one should know about or be using them without prior authorization. However, They certainly are being used with impunity.
I am in a unique position to assist you by supplying information on request. I am educated in biology, electronics and computer science, which is needed to put this new technology into perspective. I can save you months of work in starting an investigation from scratch, because I am already here.
We should not have to live under a gun and fear because no one wants to recognize that the problem exists. I need help now not later. Please remember that the goal of this technology is to kill, not just surveil. Even though it is under the LTL aka Less Than Lethal umbrella, the DOD calls it SOFT KILL TECHNOLOGY.
one more thing is that I keep my cool under pressure and in the face of adversity. I would be glad to work with whoever to tell what is going on.. My educational background is
4 year bachelors in computer science
2 year associate in Biology
3 year Associate in Electronics Engineering Technology.
These people can see what I am typing so will make this last part quick
My phone number is 239-209-0535
if you need my help in this respect it will be my honor to serve.
thank you.
Thank You
James Lico
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Spy satellite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of intelligence gathering disciplines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of intelligence gathering disciplines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
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Intelligence Gathering Disciplines
Main article: Intelligence (information gathering)
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NSA political weaponry and civilian spying technology | NowPublic News Coverage
NSA political weaponry and civilian spying technology | NowPublic News Coverage:
Continue reading at NowPublic.com: NSA political weaponry and civilian spying technology | NowPublic News Coverage http://www.nowpublic.com/world/nsa-political-weaponry-and-civilian-spying-technology#ixzz1cYWB46jl
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FISA Court | Eavesdropping Program | ||
National Security | Domestic Surveillance | ||
Spying on Americans | Surveillance Program | ||
CIA Agent | NSA Program | ||
Civil Liberties |
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Continue reading at NowPublic.com: NSA political weaponry and civilian spying technology | NowPublic News Coverage http://www.nowpublic.com/world/nsa-political-weaponry-and-civilian-spying-technology#ixzz1cYWB46jl
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NSA political weaponry and civilian spying technology | NowPublic News Coverage
NSA political weaponry and civilian spying technology | NowPublic News Coverage: "Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance"
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detecting emf fields in humans for surveillance nsa - Google Search
Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency
Data Communi cat ions Via Powe r l ine s
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
March 1st 2011, bioethics commission, session 10 on Vimeo
March 1st 2011, bioethics commission, session 10 on Vimeo: "
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March 1st 2011, bioethics commission, session 10 from Jeremy on Vimeo.
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Coast To Coast AM - 2.3.2011 - 3/12 - Electronic Harassment - YouTube
Coast To Coast AM - 2.3.2011 - 3/12 - Electronic Harassment - YouTube: ""
John Hall talks about sanoma state univ. symposium and ett
John Hall talks about sanoma state univ. symposium and ett
part 2 of 5
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Coast To Coast AM - 2.3.2011 - 5/12 - Electronic Harassment - YouTube
Coast To Coast AM - 2.3.2011 - 5/12 - Electronic Harassment - YouTube: ""
John Hall talks about sanoma state univ. symposium and ett
John Hall talks about sanoma state univ. symposium and ett
part 5 of 5
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Coast To Coast AM - 2.3.2011 - 4/12 - Electronic Harassment - YouTube
Coast To Coast AM - 2.3.2011 - 4/12 - Electronic Harassment - YouTube: ""
John Hall talks about sanoma state univ. symposium and ett
John Hall talks about sanoma state univ. symposium and ett
part 3 of 5
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Coast To Coast AM - 2.3.2011 - 2/12 - Electronic Harassment - YouTube
Coast To Coast AM - 2.3.2011 - 2/12 - Electronic Harassment - YouTube: ""
John Hall talks about sanoma state univ. symposium and ett
John Hall talks about sanoma state univ. symposium and ett
part 1 of 5
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Sunday, August 7, 2011
Testing NO TOUCH TORTURE weapons on US citizens
Covert Electronic Surveilance and torture by neurotoxins and psychotronic weapons produced by US military complex are being tested on private Citizens. The weapons manufacturers could put a stop to it, but they choose not to. Put another way, it is illegal for unauthorized individuals to have access to these top secret weapons. Manufacturers are suppliers of their weapons to some individuals to use.
Human testing has moved from the lab, into the home where monitored is 24/7
president's committee on bioethics - Google Search
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at 13:20 on December 12th, 2010
Thanks YJ,
Take a look a these sites when you get a chance. These links are only a small sampling of new advanced technologies and deployment methods being used today on tens of thousands of innocent people around the globe and here in America.
'Monarch, the New Global Phoenix Program'
'Shocking state secret: PATRIOT ACT illegal spy domestic terror campaign against Whistleblowing TIs'
'A Study of the History of US Intelligence Community Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons'
Case # 2008-DM-008647
District Court of Sedgwick County, KS
( Protection order from 'Electronic Gang Stalking' )
International Committee on Offensive Microwave Weapons
Stop Electronic Weapons and Gang Stalking
Rep. Jim Guest: The "Go-To Guy" for Victims of "Secret Electromagnetic Energy Weapons"
Mindjustice.org, an organization focused on preventing nonconsensual testing of new weapons that target the mind and nervous system.
Terrorist [Organized] Stalking in America by David Lawson
International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse
'Threat Assessment Team'
'Threat Assessment Teams & Gang Stalking'