Note: For Duke researchers, scholars, and staff. Duke University is served by two pre-award offices. The Office of Research Support assists Campus Schools and Centers. The Office of Research Administration supports the School of Medicine and the School of Nursing in Duke University Medical Center. |
*************** PLEASE VISIT MY NEW WEBSITE.. IT IS HTTP://JAMESLICO.COM ***************** This blog is about targeted individuals (TI's), who are Human Trafficking victims. They are under Second By Second Surveillance, being used as test subjects in terminal NON CONSENSUAL research. TI's are subjected to NoTouchTorture via Directed Energy Weapons. This is a war crime and a medical ethics violation. See My Website http://jameslico for more information on the blatent COVERUP!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Duke Research Funding - Department of Defense - Directed Energy Bioeffects Research (DEBR)
Duke Research Funding - Department of Defense - Directed Energy Bioeffects Research (DEBR)
Deflector Shield Realized with Fractal Antenna and Cloak Technology. - Free Online Library
Deflector Shield Realized with Fractal Antenna and Cloak Technology. - Free Online Library
WALTHAM,Mass. -- Fractal Antenna Systems today disclosed that it has successfully tested a device capable of diverting electromagnetic radiation, thereby producing the 'deflector shield' long sought in science fiction movies, television, stories, and video games.
WALTHAM,Mass. -- Fractal Antenna Systems today disclosed that it has successfully tested a device capable of diverting electromagnetic radiation, thereby producing the 'deflector shield' long sought in science fiction movies, television, stories, and video games.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
NTT torture log for Saturday, June 22, 2013
NTT torture log for Saturday, June 22, 2013
Randy and Evi Quaid's manifesto as targeted individuals
Randy and Evi Quaid's manifesto as targeted individuals
Monday, November 01, 2010
[Last updated: 11.03.2010, 10:00 AM PST]
Photo: New York Daily News
Randy and Evi Quaid's manifesto as targeted individuals
by Bob Levin, Investigative Journalist and FBI Whistleblower Patriot
Monday, November 01, 2010
[Last updated: 11.03.2010, 10:00 AM PST]
Photo: New York Daily News
Randy and Evi Quaid's manifesto as targeted individuals
by Bob Levin, Investigative Journalist and FBI Whistleblower Patriot
Friday, June 21, 2013
Ex-FBI agent: 'Gangstalking' term self-harm for Gov. no-touch Torture eugenics - National Human Rights |
NTT torture log for Thursday, June 20, 2013
NTT torture log for Thursday, June 20, 2013,
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Bill Windsor reporting on the Connie Fielding Story from outside the Psych Ward in Ogden Utah - YouTube
Bill Windsor reporting on the Connie Fielding Story from outside the Psych Ward in Ogden Utah - YouTube
Bill Windsor is another hero who is helping Americans. Injured Americans are making videos about the corruption they have undergone. This video is one example. Bill is risking his life, taking his own time and spending his own money to undertake this endeavor.
Bill Windsor is another hero who is helping Americans. Injured Americans are making videos about the corruption they have undergone. This video is one example. Bill is risking his life, taking his own time and spending his own money to undertake this endeavor.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
The Research Laboratory | On line brainchip for mind control
The Research Laboratory | On line brainchip for mind control
Webmaster : Magnus Olsen
Webmaster : Magnus Olsen
The Research Laboratory | On line brainchip for mind control
Picture Gallery from the implant associated with scientist "John Smith"
Monday, June 17, 2013
Home -
NTT torture log for Monday, June 17 2013
NTT torture log for Monday, June 17 2013
the mil contractors have started on genital mutilation. They have tuned the sonic beam weapon to the resonant frequency of my penis. They are burning my penis, i guess to torture me and in addition to give me
Sunday, June 16, 2013
86 Civil Liberties Groups and Internet Companies Demand an End to NSA Spying | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Torture Log For Sunday June 16th 2013
Torture log for Sunday, June 16 2013 with extra commentary and observations.
Right now I can feel electricity in my mouth on my tongue and lips are vibrating. My righthand was burned with a beam weapon for 2 hours. It is obvious to me that I have been targeted for death, due to torture in excess of my physical limits, by my neighbors onFir Ln. in Big Bear City CA and surrounding environs. When my time comes, please exploit it to TI's advantage. I have written many legislators and the local city council, mayor, where I live. See my blog I have told people previously to download the blog, incause it is tampered with. Also most has been shared on google and facebook.
Continuing with daily log, my brain was burned with a beam weapon for 2 hours causing dissolution of memory and in effect menticide. Also, L knee, the heals of both feet, heart (stop/release), right ankle. These things are serious torture with the short and long term outcome being to induce crippling injuries.
12:55pm Sunday- torture coming from 821 Fir Ln. Big Bear City CA. Could be Twila or her nephew or her friend whom I met in grocery store. When talking to Twila about TI's, she told me some people need to be watched. Alternatively, torture coming from 823 Fir ln. (house next to twila) There is a constant turnover of people in and out of there. A disabled lady lives there who needs caretakers, but not the type who are often there (see nfo page).
why gang up on one old man.
there are often no fewer than 4 to 5 mil contractors torturing me at one time.
Today there are no less than 6 mil contractors torturing me at the same time.
This is obviously excessive and my opinnion is that I have been targeted for death, with tactics that will kill me based on my age and physical condition. It is just a matter of months from now and not years.
N 0d
NE 0d
SE 0d
SW 45d cell tower
S 0d 821 Fir ln, Twila house or next door
SAT 180d signal goes off when i am homing in obfuscation effort.
No one is attacked from 6 directions unless the expected outcome is death.
Obviously a lot of money is being expended on me to get me back into their mold of a scared, dis-eased person with ptsd. So far it has not worked, except to heap tremendous torture, psychological abuse and stress on my body. I am an old man and old man are apt to die of heart attack, stroke, etc anyway. It appears that if they cant get me into compliance the ultimate outcome is death due to natural causes. I am getting weaker, staying in bed a lot where i have shield protection. I am not permitted to exercise because of crippling injuries meted out by the mil contractors on an Ad-Hoc basis.
Usually satellites open up on an as needed basis to assist ground personnel, it may be slightly more frequent on me due to their obvious need to keep me reeling from horendous torture, by in this case 6 torture sources at the same time. They know I have a directional meter and make efforts to hide themselves. But in general, because I have shielding and know the location of weapon point sources, they feel it necessary to put the extra torture resources on me because the nature of having a TI that is protecting himself and having to overpower that protection inorder to get that TI (ME) back to their normal state by intimidation and shows of force. They want to have a stasis where I am afraid or terrified and in a constant state of dis-ease, I can only guess so that I will make decisions based on fear and not use rational judgment. This has been the basis on multiple mil contractors ganging up on me from the time I moved here. They probably figured it would have been a quick transition to put me back into a state of fear and dis-ease so they could resume normal torture in a more efficient manner. I have not cooperated, because I know what they are doing, have monitored the commings and goings of mil contractors, have shielding to protect my self which works partially but not totally, because of their show of fouce with weapons converged on me from in this case 6 directions
Direction and elevation conclusions
0d=0 degrees, basis horizontal ground location. This means that the point source is on the ground and probably a portable weapon, controlled by someone at the location of the point source
45d=45 degrees basis horizontal baseline relative offset in direction of point source. 45 degrees is about the right level of a cell phone tower. minor deviations are still considered in this area and only become subject to interpretation at the outside rails. For instance the upper limit could be either cell tower or sat, depending on elevation and interpretation. The lower limit could have wide interpretation, because hills in this area could house portable weapons that put their location and elevation up near 45 degrees, and subject to interpretation.
motivation and general observations and questions that I have, of mil contractors who flock to this area and or who are residents of this community.
- These thugs by definition of what they do, are psychopathic or sociopathic and are therefore also considered predators.
- What is going on with these people who take jobs torturing people for a living.
- Why do they think it is ok to torture people in there home, yet feel they want privacy. Are these people psychopaths, who are only in it for themselves.
- Do they have family
- are they married or have significant other
- what do they want out of life
- are they doing this for sexual gratification
- could they be voyeuristic perverted individuals
- my life couldn't be that interesting to anyone
- they watch me and can see through my eyes and
- they hear through my ears.
- they read what I write on my computer
- I must be very interesting, i guess because I am a live old man
- they love to torture me.
- some have special torture likes and desires.
- some are drug addicts
- some are alcoholics
- yet they prefer to watch a 62 year old man
- A robber can hold me up and can rob me, yet these thugs come back day after day after day
- they torture me all day and every waking hour and make my life miserable
- probably there are not many ti's in this town, because these contractors all come here to torture me
- I am a man yet to these people I am a paycheck.
- They suck on the corporate dick to get sustenance
- These people have lost any moral fiber they once had
- people are finding out about psychopaths and sociopaths
- People will find it very interesting that these people would watch an old man
- people will find it interesting that they torture him on a 24/7 basis.
- these thugs will be pariahs
- no one will want to talk to them
- no one will want to have sex with them and spread their disgusting genes
- children will walk to the other side of the road when the come along
- They will be treated like sex offenders, who incidentally are psychopathic or sociopathic.
- These thugs should have to register with police the same sex offenders, so the public will know where they are and can avoid these vicious predators.
These thugs remotely monitor victims in an effort to cause death from stroke, heart attack or via induction of simulated diseases which their attacks are designed to emulate to elicit an incorrect diagnosis, instead of injuries induced by directed energy weapons. Examples of this include the usual heart attack, stroke, but more exotic ones include nerve damage, isolated to peripheral neuropathy, Trigeminal neuralgia, arthritis due to skeletal joint damage. Finally but not least is Fibromialgia, which is induced over and reinforced over again through repeated attacks on the same targeted muscle group, to cause inflammation and pain which mimics the symptoms of fibromialgia closely enough to ensure a diagnosis to that effect. One more attack on the teeth and gums is designed to induce dental problems due to decay, inflamation of nerves within teeth and deterioration of nerves and soft gum tissue surrounding teeth. Also, lets not forget through rectum attacks or frontal attacks to prostate, penis and testicles with intent to deteriorate sensitive nerves to render the subject impotent or induce cancer. Certainly their is a psychological trauma attack intended here in addition to torture. These people have studied just enough anatomy to perpetrate torture, disease and death from what I have already mentioned and much much more I might add. I have only mentioned some of my observations on procedures done to me. I didnt mention that they target my eyes and my eyesight is failing, due to this at an alarming rate. In just 1 year I have gone from needing 1.25 reading correction to 3.75 reading correction.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Whistleblower Thomas Drake: What it is like to be Targeted, because now you are!
Thomas Drake was speaking in a private setting about what it is like to be targeted. He told the audience the Europeans know the seriousness of the security situation, here in the US better than Americans. One couple told him: "At least we know we live in a post Fascist society, Americans live in a Pre-Fascist Society and they don't even know it".
'Operation Troll the NSA' Launched by Buzzfeed Staffers | Occupy America
Friday, June 14, 2013
torture log for Friday, June 14 2013
Today my torturers weapons are coming from the following directions.
ESE 0 degrees
N 0 degrees
SW 45 degrees
E Ham operator 0 degrees
S 0 degrees 821 Fir ln (Twila) or next door White P/U truck two guys and a truck present 9:00am
torture log for Thursday, June 13 2013
torture log for Thursday, June 13 2013
Today my torturers weapons are coming from the following directions.
N 809 fir ln
E Ham operator
False Flag attacks and why they would occur
This is a primer on the subject of False Flag attacks and why they would occur. Since there is a lot of talk about this in the media and in case somebody doesn't know how this works, you can read about it here.
False Flag
False Flag
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
NTT log for Tuesday June 11, 2013
NTT log for Tuesday June 11, 2013
Image From Snagit 6/9/2013 8:49:31 AM
My torturer/handler today is a cell phone tower from the South East. I know it is probably a cell phone tower because my directional meter says it is from SE at a 45 degree angle approx. (to high for neighbor
Sunday, June 9, 2013
NTT log for Monday, JUNE 10, 2013
This is a google map with my house on it.
Military contractors houses are marked and my house is marked with a red map pin "A". Microwave
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Torture log for Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning on 6/5/2013
I have 4 or 5 people torturing me tonight. 3 are my neighbors and the other two may be my neighbors. They almost killed me earlier today. it started when I went outside to cut the grass. the 30's thugs in the house next to 821 Twilas were torturing me while I was cutting the grass with a weed wacker. They were using a sonic beam to burn my forearms, so it hurt to carry the weed wacker. After I got back in, my arms were shaking so badly that I could not hold anything to drink or anything that couldn't stand shaking all around.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
daily NTT log for Tuesday, June 4, 2013
daily NTT log for Tuesday, June 4, 2013.
Torture is lighter today. There is only one torturer on me right now, a satellite just a little east of vertical. I have so many magnets, my smart phone compass is not accurate, so I have to estimate
Torture is lighter today. There is only one torturer on me right now, a satellite just a little east of vertical. I have so many magnets, my smart phone compass is not accurate, so I have to estimate
Joking about shielding video
Monday, June 3, 2013
Opinion on Commentary: Maryland v. King and the Total Loss of Our Bodily Integrity
Opinion BY: James F Lico TI
Jonathan W Whitehead, founder of human rights group "RUTHERFORD INSTITUTE" is justifiably concerned about the latest human rights abuse. He stated today:
“Make no mistake about it: As an entirely predictable consequence of today’s decision, your DNA can be taken and entered into a national DNA database if you are ever arrested, rightly or wrongly, and for whatever reason.”
While it is bad news that this human rights abuse has occurred, I think you have to put this in perspective. There is the much more serious and egregious crime of torture tolerance testing on tens
NTT personal log for Monday, 6/3/2013
5 torturers on one old man... me.. and all at the same time, with sonic beams (aka scalar?). This is very painful and immediately destructive. they are damaging my right hand, thumb and index finger and left wrist.
They are all torturing me at the same time because I have shielding and also I have a directional meter. They want me to believe that even though I know where every point source is, that I will be scared and confused as to where the beams are coming from. Most do not have directional meters with elevation and so probably would be overwhelmed. However, even though I know where they all are, I can't stop all of them and the torture is barbaric. So the fact is I know which house the horizontal beams are coming from. I do not know where the cell tower or satellite person is. They could be anywhere, but are usually right in the community so they can direct perps on the ground and make calls to bushiness owners.
I suppose that they need to sandbag on me so that they can tell their boss that they are making process in my murder. They must be spending $10,000 per week on me. These are tax dollars they are wasting on torturing. These guys are paid well.
In addition, I realized just today that these torturers are not paying any taxes on their ill gotten gains. However money I pay in taxes goes to pay for them to torture me. They will probably thing that is very funny. I will need to report new vehicles to the IRS. Al Capone was brought down by the IRS, when the FBI had nothing to arrest him for.
1 sattelite
1 north E
1 south
1 east
1 North west cell tower
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Free Ebook by Targeted Individual and author Max H Williams on the subject of Targeting civilians for Torture Tolerance Testing.
THE SILENT MASSACRE.pdf by Max H. Williams
THE SILENT MASSACRE.pdf by Max H. Williams
Full Movie (I am fishead) - IMDb
Full Movie (I am fishead) - IMDb
Description: | "WHAT'S WRONG WITH OUR WORLD? THIS IS A FILM FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO KNOW." Every meaningful change starts with awareness. In our culture, we not only praise psychopaths in the highest positions of power, but in many cases, they became our role models. Challenge your beliefs! We have delved into the world of psychopaths and heroes and revealed something crucial about us. |
Video URL: | |
The following tweet from the petition site, was 8 characters over the limit. I removed the extraneous characters after Judy Wood until i got the character count under the limit. Others wont know and will give up.
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