OK'S Cascade Company - Special Event Services, Emergency Base Camps, Mobile Showers, Mobile Kitchens, Mobile Laundries
The Florida Emergency Preparedness Association (FEPA) is an association of emergency management professionals.
*************** PLEASE VISIT MY NEW WEBSITE.. IT IS HTTP://JAMESLICO.COM ***************** This blog is about targeted individuals (TI's), who are Human Trafficking victims. They are under Second By Second Surveillance, being used as test subjects in terminal NON CONSENSUAL research. TI's are subjected to NoTouchTorture via Directed Energy Weapons. This is a war crime and a medical ethics violation. See My Website http://jameslico for more information on the blatent COVERUP!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
OK'S Cascade Company - Special Event Services, Emergency Base Camps, Mobile Showers, Mobile Kitchens, Mobile Laundries
Snohomish County ACS/ARES
Snohomish County ACS/ARES
Community Emergency management tower and frequency info
Community Emergency management tower and frequency info
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Bayram Mert Deveci
September 2007
Thesis Advisor: Edward Fisher
Second Reader: Terry Smith
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Bayram Mert Deveci
September 2007
Thesis Advisor: Edward Fisher
Second Reader: Terry Smith
Schwarzenegger, DSK, and Gingrich: Do We Have Psychopaths Misruling Our World? | Alternet
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
could this story be ending soon... read this and find out... - jafelco@gmail.com - Gmail
could this story be ending soon... read this and find out... - jafelco@gmail.com - Gmail:
The reason I sent this email to members of The Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance email list is because I was excited to see that maybe something good was happening in that it looked like some perpetrators were being arrested and I wanted to see what someone else thought about it.
Gmail - could this story be ending soon... read this and find out...Someone sent me a militia email offering to do his part to do lethal violence against perpetrators of the TI experience.
The reason I sent this email to members of The Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance email list is because I was excited to see that maybe something good was happening in that it looked like some perpetrators were being arrested and I wanted to see what someone else thought about it.
I only received two responses and one was from Robert Robey, who appeared to be talking about getting involved in a militia style confrontational over through of Illuminati? He said :
"I still think we should try fighting them to the best of our ability by any means necessary."This is pretty streight forward militia talk. Then there are all the references to firearms to clinch the deal and how it would be hard to kill one given that a TI may be struck down with an electronic weapon. An email like this most surely will be picked up by the FBI's filters to grab subversive emails in order to catch and thwart active terrorist threats.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Targeted Individual being microwaved in his apartment
Targeted Individual being microwaved on High
It feels like you are in the microwave oven. Your body vibrates and feels electrically charged and the feeling dose not go away until they turn off the source. In my apartment I am receiving microwave energy from two distinct sources. The main source is from a tower which is probably close by based on the power level they are able to achieve.
The other source is from the psychopaths in the apartment below mine. However my neighbors to apartment next door also take turns joining in the fun. They get paid for this but I can tell they enjoy it. A portable microwave energy emitter machine is used for this purpose. I suppose they get these things from the weapon operator.
The weapon operator is the orchestra leader and calls up these perpetrators to tell them to turn on their microwave machine and where to point it.
AYT Audio (Mind Control Recovery Podcasts) - JeffPolachek.com
Rachel's "Gang Stalking 2010" (Videos) - JeffPolachek.com
Rachel's "Gang Stalking 2010" (Videos) - JeffPolachek.com: "Rachel's "Gang Stalking 2010" (Videos)
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'via Blog this'
Rachel's "Gang Stalking 2010" (Videos)
Spy Files | American Civil Liberties Union
Spy Files | American Civil Liberties Union
Today the government is spying on Americans in ways the founders of our country never could have imagined. The FBI, federal intelligence agencies, themilitary, state and local police, private companies, and even firemen and emergency medical technicians are gathering incredible amounts of personal information about ordinary Americans that can be used to construct vast dossiers that can be widely shared with a simple mouse-click through new institutions likeJoint Terrorism Task Forces, fusion centers, and public-private partnerships. The fear of terrorism has led to a new era of overzealous police intelligence activity directed, as in the past, against political activists, racial and religious minorities, and immigrants.
This surveillance activity is not directed solely at suspected terrorists and criminals. It's directed at all of us. Increasingly, the government is engaged in suspicionless surveillance that vacuums up and tracks sensitive information about innocent people. Even more disturbingly, as the government's surveillance powers have grown more intrusive and more powerful, the restrictions on many of those powers have been weakened or eliminated. And this surveillance often takes place in secret, with little or no oversight by the courts, by legislatures, or by the public.
Right Wingers Are More of a Threat to Gun Owners Than Liberals
Right Wingers Are More of a Threat to Gun Owners Than Liberals
Conservative bloggers were riled about the gun ban at the Aurora CO theater where the shooting tragedy occurred.
It turned out that presidential hopeful, Mit Romney's Baine capital management owned the movie theater and are the management who put the gun ban in place.
Conservative bloggers were riled about the gun ban at the Aurora CO theater where the shooting tragedy occurred.
It turned out that presidential hopeful, Mit Romney's Baine capital management owned the movie theater and are the management who put the gun ban in place.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Hardball: Former Senate candidate pledges allegiance to alternative gov.
Here is a new congressional hopeful abandoning the republicans for the
ALT American party. She is now too far right for the Republicans.
I didn't know that was possible. Republicans are getting weird.
This is why the Tea Party really is too weird for America and their
offbeat stance on issues is not a passing phase.
ALT American party. She is now too far right for the Republicans.
I didn't know that was possible. Republicans are getting weird.
This is why the Tea Party really is too weird for America and their
offbeat stance on issues is not a passing phase.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Weimar America: Four Major Ways We're Following In Germany's Fascist Footsteps | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet
Weimar America: Four Major Ways We're Following In Germany's Fascist Footsteps | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

Weimar America: Four Major Ways We're Following In Germany's Fascist Footsteps
July 5, 2012 |
Photo Credit: Bill Barber
Most Americans have never heard of the Weimar Republic, Germany's democratic interlude between World War I and World War II. Those who have usually see it as a prologue to the horrors of Nazi Germany, an unstable transition between imperialism and fascism. In this view, Hitler's rise to power is treated as an inevitable outcome of the Great Depression, rather than the result of a decision by right-wing politicians to make him chancellor in early 1933.
Historians reject teleological approaches to studying the past. No outcome is inevitable, even if some are more likely than others. Rather than looking for predictable outcomes, we ought to be looking to the past to understand how systems operate, especially liberal capitalist democracies. In that sense, Weimar Germany holds many useful lessons for contemporary Americans. In particular, there are four major points of similarity between Weimar Germany and Weimar America worth examining.
1. Austerity. Today's German leaders preach the virtues of austerity. They justify their opposition to the inflationary, growth-creating policies that Europe desperately needs by pointing to the hyperinflation that occurred in 1923, and became one of the most enduring memories of the Weimar Republic. Yet the austerity policies enacted after the onset of the Depression produced the worst of Germany's economic crisis, while also destabilizing the country's politics. Cuts to wages, benefits and public programs dramatically worsened unemployment, hunger and suffering.
So far, austerity in America has largely taken place at the state and local levels. However, the federal government is now working on undemocratic national austerity plans, in the form of so-called "trigger cuts" slated to take effect at the end of 2012. In addition, there's the Bowles-Simpson austerity plan to slash Medicare and SocialSecurity benefits along with a host of other public programs; and the Ryan Budget, a blueprint for widespread federal austerity should the Republicans win control of the Congress and the White House in November.
But it was also Germany in 1932.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
People's Campaign for the Constitution :: Building a Movement. Restoring Rights. Reclaiming Our Constitution.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Twenty Years Later, DOJ Finally Admits Mistakes : Whistleblower Protection Blog
Friday, July 6, 2012
Presidential Bioethics Commission - Full HD - YouTube
Excellent Mind Control Documentary - YouTube
Targeted Individual - researched insight into the directed energy weapon (DEW) operator (handler/torture/kill) personality
Targeted Individual - researched insight into the directed energy weapon (DEW) operator (handler) personality as well as that of many of the organized stalkers. They do have a malignant profile which you can learn to identify. Their main identifying characteristic is lack of empathy for the target. This is very important, because to the handler, these targets may as well be the next cow in the slaughter house line to have a bolt shot through his head.
There are 9 videos which I selected out of over 250 videos by Mr. Vaknin, the first two of which are the most telling.
use the following link if you want to choose which videos to play
This embeded video link will play all videos back to back.
Sam Vaknin (presenter) is himself a psychopath, who is willing to talk about his affliction. he makes money by writing books about the subject. He claims that all psychopaths are Narcissists, but not all narcissists are psychopaths.
There are 9 videos which I selected out of over 250 videos by Mr. Vaknin, the first two of which are the most telling.
use the following link if you want to choose which videos to play
This embeded video link will play all videos back to back.
Sam Vaknin (presenter) is himself a psychopath, who is willing to talk about his affliction. he makes money by writing books about the subject. He claims that all psychopaths are Narcissists, but not all narcissists are psychopaths.
Surviving the Trauma of Mind Control - A Bravenet.com Hosted Site
Surviving the Trauma of Mind Control - A Bravenet.com Hosted Site: "In a way, the torture victim's own body is rendered his worse enemy. It is corporeal agony that compels the sufferer to mutate, his identity to fragment, his ideals and principles to crumble. The body becomes an accomplice of the tormentor, an uninterruptible channel of communication, a treasonous, poisoned territory.
It fosters a humiliating dependency of the abused on the perpetrator. Bodily needs denied - sleep, toilet, food, water - are wrongly perceived by the victim as the direct causes of his degradation and dehumanization. As he sees it, he is rendered bestial not by the sadistic bullies around him but by his own flesh. "
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It fosters a humiliating dependency of the abused on the perpetrator. Bodily needs denied - sleep, toilet, food, water - are wrongly perceived by the victim as the direct causes of his degradation and dehumanization. As he sees it, he is rendered bestial not by the sadistic bullies around him but by his own flesh. "
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Thursday, July 5, 2012
Blogger: User Profile: Rachael O.
Blogger: User Profile: Rachael O.:
My blogs
- On_GangStalking
- Targeted Survivor
- Skepticism for Targeted Individuals
- Targeted Individual's guide to homelessness
Blogs I follow
- ../ jbhFILE.com / Daily Rant
- Another Voice from the Wilderness
- Coherent Madness: Effective Defense Against Covert Warfare
- Gang Stalking
- Medawar's Cornflakes
- TI World
- Torture, Satellite Surveillance & Covert Harrassment
tao : security : general security
resist: security : general security: security culture
Targeted Survivor
Targeted Survivor
Rachel O. blog
Rachel O. blog
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Community-based harassment is a grown-up version of school yard bullying. Multiple individuals within a community participate in the harassment and stalking of a single individual. However, rather than attack a victim physically, techniques are used to undermine a person psychologically. This can be far more damaging than a physical attack because not only is it very hard to prove, but it is extremely traumatizing for the victim. (Also known as cause stalking or gang stalking)."
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'via Blog this'
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Skepticism for Targeted Individuals
Skepticism for Targeted Individuals: "SKEPTICISM FOR TARGETED INDIVIDUALS
another Rachel O. blog
Recommended by James Lico
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another Rachel O. blog
Recommended by James Lico
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"The Mother Of All Black Ops": Charles Schlund - Government Whistle Blower Dies After Years Of Directed Energy Weapon's Torture - The U.S. Courts Refused To Hear His Lawsuit
"The Mother Of All Black Ops": Charles Schlund - Government Whistle Blower Dies After Years Of Directed Energy Weapon's Torture - The U.S. Courts Refused To Hear His Lawsuit:
by James Marino
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by James Marino
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Targeted Survivor: May 2012
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I believe this media is in part, developed by Rachel O., the same person who owns the
(ongangstalking) blog.
'via Blog this'
I believe this media is in part, developed by Rachel O., the same person who owns the
(ongangstalking) blog.
Caring For Survivor of Torture | A Forum by The Refuge Media Project
Monday, July 2, 2012
Skepticism for Targeted Individuals
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