
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Protestors Take to The Streets in Michigan

What NO ONE is Saying About The Corona Crisis

MAX, I am about your age and in good health and condition. I am also a Targeted Individual who is being attacked by FBI Contractors in US. The cottage industry contractors live in the adjacent vicinity and they are fouling their own nest by attacking and attempting to murder me with DEW Weaponized Drones, for the FBI in a MURDER FOR HIRE SCHEME. Look at the symptoms which appear to be Pneumonia AND I SUBMIT TO YOU THAT THIS IS DISSIDENTS DISEASE, SO THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE. The onset of this takes 15 minutes and so far these episodes last about an hour more or less and then subside COMPLETELY with no residual effects. THESE FBI Contractor SPIES ARE PRACTICING FOLKS. they began testing this DEW INDUCED PNEUMONIA method of MURDER back in March of 2019, well before the epidemic and have been doing this multiple times since then as PRACTICE DRILLS FOLKS. The contractors actually want to believe they are spies and what they are doing is a job and yet I have done nothing wrong and merely a 68YO retired engineer trying to live out the rest of my life my own house where I live with my elderly fiancee who is also targeted. I believe Donna and I are two of millions of innocents on the Terrorist Watch List who have had our bodies and lives hijacked what they call NATIONAL SECURITY, but its National Insecurity and what they are doing is TERRORISM! We are being used in TERMINAL HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION FOR OBAMA'S BRAIN INITIATIVE AND WEAPONS TESTING. I believe this story when it comes out will be the story of the century. The Deep State and the Intelligence Community are apparently working for the GLOBALISTS, AREN'T THEY? Apparently the Epidemic, Food Shortage, Weather Warfare and SECRET Virtual Imprisonment of Citizens is an effort to TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
James F. Lico

Dr Rashid A Buttar Live - HUGE NEWS! Surgeon General Jerome Adams DROPS...