
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

my handler thinks I respond to loud noises (door slams wall kicks, etc).

my handler thinks I respond to loud noises (door slams).   
I find it interesting how utterly stupid my handlers can be.  They seem to have their minds controlled (Flash news item) since they keep thinking everyday that I will be sensitized by door slams.  yes they are annoying, but disturbing no.   I like the Einstein quote that says "
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
handlers prove over and over why rat traps are effective.

Their training tells them to try noise for certain circumstances yet my history says it wont work.  But apparent today will be different somehow.  The door just slammed and Angelica just emerged from her room and I could see her looking at me out of the corner of her eye on the way to the bathroom and then again on the way back. How sophomoric these morons are.

She lugged all her luggage into the bedroom 20 minutes ago.  Every morning she moves all her luggage and belongings from the bedroom to the kitchen and then back again at night.  She must be reasonably assured that I will not want to go into the bedroom again.

Insanity: doing the same thing... at BrainyQuote: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein"

'via Blog this'

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Yet Another Deadly Shooting: What Will It Take for America to Get Serious About Gun Control? | Alternet

Yet Another Deadly Shooting: What Will It Take for America to Get Serious About Gun Control? | Alternet

Another shooting. This time outside the Empire State Bldg. This is getting to be more the rule than the exception. Yes guns are already illegal in New York State, but that is not my point. Can this be a targeted individual who just couldn't take it any more. We here a lot about false flag operations and Manchurian candidates all of which is secret. We should start looking at this. It is a real possibility now that TI's in the community are at an all time high and apparently climbing. Realistically, you would expect a certain percentage of people being tortured to death, to go insane and do such things. We used to accept this with job stress as in "going postal". Now with the TI's handler's letting them know that they will die either from being tortured to death or by their own hand, some of them just snap under the pressure.
The Homeland Security Dept. has made TI's an enemy of the state. This is a foregone conclusion, since they have created the problem in the first place. How about we put blame where it belongs, and that is on the US Government for causing the problem in the first place.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Jill Tarter's call to join the SETI search | Video on

Jill Tarter's call to join the SETI search | Video on

Richard Alan Miller: Upcoming Events

Richard Alan Miller: Upcoming Events

How did this Targeted Individual thing get started? - James Lico - Open Salon

How did this Targeted Individual thing get started? - James Lico - Open Salon
We now live in a world that will take anonymous complaints from multiple sources, bundle them together and then go behind closed doors to decide just what threat to the community I impose.  

Well guess what... I am now a domestic terrorist or so says the Threat Assessment Team and apparently that is all it takes to get you on a KILL list.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I can hear the humming sound coming from Apartment 36A as they use their portable microwave weapon on me. 

The handler is pulling out all the stops as he tries to murder me.  Even now he is turning up the power level as I can hear the tone of the humming noise change and feel the power coursing through my body.  

If I am to die now, then I consider it my honor to have defied such a sub human example of mans worst accomplishment on earth.  This handler is a despicable creature who does not even deserve the mention of human being with respect to himself.   He would be considered wierd by any standard.  No one in their right mind would consider it a good idea to kill another human being in their own home as though they were a science experiment.

What this handler is doing to me should surely be considered a war crime against humanity and be treated as if he is a war criminal.  

As always, if I should not survive today, the handler can be found by checking who is working today.  Also check the phone records of the hispanic people downstairs in Apt. 36A.  They have spoken to the handler many times.  In addition, Jane Westover who is my room mate is involved as a perpetrator and is working with the handler as well.

James Lico

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Obama fights ban on indefinite detention of Americans — RT

Obama fights ban on indefinite detention of Americans — RT

Read your mind? Not in a ‘million light years’ » - The blog of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues

Read your mind? Not in a ‘million light years’ » - The blog of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues

Dr. John Hall
April 14, 2011 at 11:48 am | Permalink
In Farah’s defense, she’s obviously not privvy to the research being done in classified intelligence circles. “Mind Reading” per say is not being researched through advances in imaging technology. Historically, its been researched through radio frequency modalities. Currently, the University of California at Irvine is studying synthetic telepathy where war-fighters may communicate via thought with each other in the field. One would assume that the technology has been reasonably well defined unidirectionally if they are looking for the ability to network it between individuals. Also historically, the US has a bad habit of testing now and apologizing later with regard to non-consensual experimentation. I assume the thousands of victims of this research can expect their apology around 2030! That’s about how long it took to see an apology for Tuskegee, Guatemala and the radiation experiments!

Google Custom Search

Google Custom Search

TRANSCRIPT: Meeting 4, Session 10 | Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues

TRANSCRIPT: Meeting 4, Session 10 | Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues

James Henry Graf's Angelfire Home

James Henry Graf's Angelfire Home

Law Enforcement Complicity in Electronic Torture & Mind Control in America, Part 1 (March 14, 2009)

Law Enforcement Complicity in Electronic Torture & Mind Control in America, Part 1 (March 14, 2009)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

CIA Mind Control Secrets MK Ultra & Brainwashing Interview - Dr. Colin Ross & Corrina Rachel - YouTube

Sex Control Police State, Eugenics, Galton, Kantsaywhere, Mind Control Report - YouTube

Brain Washing, Mind Control, Torture, Guantanamo, Mk Ultra - YouTube

MK-Ultra, CIA Mind Control & Brain Washing to Make Assassins - YouTube

Mind Control Hate Propaganda, Hate Speech & Crime, Black PR - YouTube

Monday, August 6, 2012

Mitt Romney: A pioneer in the “Troubled” Youth behavior modification industry

Mitt Romney: A Voice of Freedom and Hope? Not for America’s So-Called “Troubled” Youth | WWASP Diaries

Behavior Modification and Brainwashing | WWASP Diaries

Mit Romney - a pioneer in the multi million dollar -Troubled youth behavior modification industry

Behavior Modification and Brainwashing | WWASP Diaries

On_GangStalking: Mitt Romney's Father Linked To MK Ultra And Using Mormon Church To Implement MASS MIND CONTROL

On_GangStalking: Mitt Romney's Father Linked To MK Ultra And Using Mormon Church To Implement MASS MIND CONTROL

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A new breed of Targeted Individual

I am one of those logical, techie, engineer type people and have come up with a few ideas, but the one that makes me cringe is probably true.

I don't get many responses to my emails.  I email a lot and most go unanswered into the netherworld as if I was invisible. 

I have been told by several people and also noticed that people with logic skills, electronic engineers or those with technical skills are being targeted at an increasing level.  Normally mostly woman and really all walks of life have been targeted. 

Bill Moyers Speaks with Glenn Greenwald on Bush and the Rule of Law - YouTube